Surveillance Systems

The safety of your property should come first. However, while juggling calls and meetings with tenants, managing maintenance and staff, handling rent and other financials, meeting the everyday needs of keeping a property up and running smoothly, and everything else, general surveillance can’t possibly be top of mind on an everyday basis…until it’s too late, a security issue has occurred, and the damage has been done with no solution.

Traditional surveillance systems have the basic capabilities of recording a property; however, when issues such as illegal dumping, damage to property, traffic accidents or theft occur, the systems are often difficult and time-consuming to navigate through, especially between different locations. Then, getting the help that you need, finding an effective solution and ensuring that it doesn’t happen again can require more time, effort, and money than you have.

The damage from the incident alone is enough without you having to address a bad surveillance system. When a resident or someone else breaks furniture in the pool area, runs their car into a mailbox, steals packages, it’s important to have the capability to fix it. Illegal dumping is costly to clean up, property damage makes extra work for maintenance staff and can even require outside contractors to repair, and unsolved and unprevented theft and crime hurts your property’s reputation and business.

At INIT, we utilize a first-rate surveillance system that doesn’t require much time or attention to manage, can monitor more than one location and effectively finds people, vehicles, or events in just a few clicks. You can even get quick alerts when people who aren’t supposed to be there are on the property. Our system allows you to identify the sources of security issues, appropriately handle them and find a solution, and then prevent them from happening again in the future.

A well-planned, thoughtfully-implemented surveillance system truly protects your property, giving you the freedom to focus on the many other responsibilities of managing your property and overall, just feel more secure.

Contact us today and get a free surveillance layout of your property! Your security is our priority.





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