About Us

Welcome to INIT Consulting - your partner in IT.

We are a group of dedicated professionals who truly care. When you work with us, we become a part of your team. We are committed to creating effective IT solutions to solve your business’s unique problems and meet your business’s unique needs.

Whether we handle your IT maintenance and general support, or we design and integrate a specific service, our work is effective, straightforward and consistent. We want to help your business become as efficient as possible so that you can achieve your business goals and beyond.

Since our founding in 2011, we have already built a diverse network of clients, providing knowledgeable solutions to each one of them. By really understanding you and your business's wants and needs, we are able to give excellent, tailored and responsive service. As we continue to grow, we will continue to listen, learn and adapt, but our core values will always remain the same: to be secure, stable, productive and your partner in IT.




Email: info@initconsulting.net

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