Managed IT

We understand that running a business is tough. It requires your utmost time, dedication, focus and care. IT systems are a core component of your business’s foundation, and effective IT can help a business reach it full potential.

But when you experience network problems, your employee’s computers have errors and your systems are struggling or down, your business can be seriously hindered or forced to stop running. While you search for help, wait on a response from your IT provider in a computer-led chatroom or search online for how to fix it yourself, your business is put on pause, and the costs of a solution continue to rise.

As a business owner, you don’t have the time to “do IT”, and with INIT, you don’t need to. We will provide you with stable, secure, efficient IT systems and plans that give you the freedom to focus on what you do best - running your business.

INIT has been building, maintaining and supporting IT systems for small- to medium-sized businesses for over a decade. We “do IT”, so leave it to us. When we work with your company, you gain access to a knowledgeable, approachable team of IT professionals who are truly care and are dedicated to helping you maintain and grow your business.





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